Success Stories Health

Mit dem Vitalmonitor konnte ich mein BioAge senken!

With the Vitalmonitor, I was able to lower my BioAge!

The Vitalmonitor helps me to evaluate influences on my life! Shock: BioAge 80 years! After I noticed after the first Vitalmonitor measurements that my biological age (80 years) clearly exceeds my...

GesundheitBernhard lächelt stolz in die Kamera

The cancer, the Vitalmonitor and me!

The Vitalmonitor is worth every penny! Vitalmonitor, Berny and I: The somewhat different love story After nine titles, 8 of them in a row, in the water polo Bundesliga, I ended my career in 201...

GesundheitEin Rennradfahrer trainiert auf der Straße

The Vitalmonitor helped me overcome my health setback!

The Vitalmonitor is as much a part of my life as brushing my teeth! This is how it all began Me, my company STEP Lochen and the Vitalmonitor - a story of illness, self-reflection and overcoming...

BioAgeDen Weg nach unten durchbrechen

How I broke the downward spiral

The Vitalmonitor helped me restore my body confidence and get through my illness! Diagnosis burnout My name is Georg. Since 2007 I am a passionate and ambitious mountain biker. At the beginning w...


How the Vitalmonitor Helped Me After Heart Muscle Inflammation

This text from my client Mike Becker shows how I coached him with the Vitalmonitor: Diagnosis myocarditis "My name is Mike Becker and I am 33 years young. I was diagnosed with myocarditis in...

BioAgebiologisches Alter senken

When I lowered my biological age from 61.8 to 33.9

Incredible change: Klemens lowered his bio-age by 28 years! I used to be athletic, with 3 times of endurance training per week. Later 4 times strength. I did that for years. During my studies it...

RegenerationWetterfühligkeit messbar

Vitalmonitor makes weather sensitivity measurable

The Vitalmonitor as my personal weatherman! May seems to be the extended April - it also does what it wants, and brings alternately bright, hot summer days and shortly after again rain and cold. T...

ErnährungErnährung kann Stress verursachen

The Vitalmonitor shows how nutrition affects stress!

The Vitalmonitor measures how nutrition affects the body! On Mother's Day, the time had finally come: the barbecue season was officially ushered in. Now a few wonderful months await again, tas...

RegenerationSchlafdauer und die Regeneration

Sleep duration and regeneration

The Vitalmonitor as an expert in terms of sleep quality and regeneration! A cool feature of the new app is the information on sleep duration, sleep quality and mood, which then also appear in the ...

RegenerationYoga und Regeneration

How yoga helped me improve my recovery

How yoga helped me improve my recovery As reported in the last post, I found that after a yoga workout, my resting heart rate as well as recovery status are better than before the workout. Curious...

EntspannungEmotionale Beziehungen stressen unser Herz

Interpersonal problems stress the heart

Emotional stress puts a strain on the heart! I had two exciting experiences with the Vitalmonitor in the last few days. First - and this is the decisive insight of the week: nothing seems to upset...

Vitalmonitor ErfahrungVitalmonitor Frontansicht

Conclusion after 5 weeks of Vitalmonitor use

My experience on Vitalmonitor usage: It's been a good five weeks since I started using the Vitality Monitor. While I initially had some difficulties integrating the measurement into my daily r...


The Vitalmonitor accompanies my pregnancy!

The Vitalmonitor accompanies my pregnancy! I am currently in the 25th week of pregnancy and have the great fortune to be able to enjoy this time without complaints. Nevertheless, big changes on th...


Meditation and the effect on the body

Just before the vacation, of all things, I caught a cold with a heavy sniffle, which - together with long, intense workdays - caused me to sleep poorly for days. My test results deteriorated notice...

BiofeedbackStressfaktor Aufwachen

Stress factor waking up

Stress - already in the morning Stress - who can actually do without this word in everyday life? Most people probably automatically think of the job, long to-do lists, full schedules and little sl...

Vitalmonitor ErfahrungenMeditation

All beginnings are not so hard - the basics

The Vitalmonitor helps me to improve my body awareness! A confession at the beginning: I have my problems with electronic devices. But I thought to myself, "Hey! Chest strap, smartphone, Blue...


This is how it works: Measure stress with the ECG!

HRV - the heart rate variability In the course of my research, I came across an interesting article in the Wirtschaftsblatt. It describes how your heart tells you how much stress you are under. An...

autogenes Trainingautogenes Training

When I was young and thought autogenic training was for warmists

Hello, my name is Klemens. I've been an online marketer at Vitalmonitor since September. And since yesterday there is this blog, which I immediately use for self-reflection. Flashback: September 20...