Partner area

In our partner area we list your partner carers, offer our brochures to download and browse through and show you exciting articles about the Vitalmonitor

Unser wissenschaftlicher Leiter Bernhard Schimpl lächelt in die Kamera

Partner Adviser

Our partner supervisors support you in all areas. They will show you the Vitalmonitor, help you develop the concept, answer all your questions and pass on all the market know-how to you.

Mag. Bernhard Schimpl

Partner Map

New customers can find the right Vitalmonitor partner in their area on our partner map. As soon as you have completed a Vitalmonitor training course and fulfilled the remaining requirements, we will place you on our map.

Unser wissenschaftlicher Leiter Bernhard Schimpl lächelt in die Kamera

Trainings & Webinars

Conducted by our scientific director, Mag. Bernhard Schimpl. It was his decades of know-how that made it possible to develop the Vitalmonitor.

Dates: training courses and webinars