Es gibt einige Mythen und Missverständnisse rund um die Herzratenvariabilität (HRV), die oft zu Verwirrung führen. Hier sind einige der häufigsten Mythen und die Fakten, die sie aufklären: 1. Mytho...
Why I invented the Vitalmonitor...
The year 2012: I was an ambitious competitive athlete looking for a device to measure my regeneration in order to better control my training, as I was constantly in danger of slipping into overtra...
Season of the Vitalmonitor ARBÖ Racing Team
We proudly present the successes of our Vitalmonitor ARBÖ Racing Team! We congratulate the entire team on this way to the successes of the 2017 season and are already excited about what awaits...
The Vitalmonitor in the Triathlon Nerds Test
Find out how the Vitalmonitor performed in the Triathlon Nerds test in the video:
2 Minutes 2 Million - The Official Interview
No investment - how hard is that for you? Quite honestly, there were somewhat mixed feelings. On the one hand, we were naturally disappointed, but on the other hand, we knew that it would be di...
The Vitalmonitor at 2 Minutes 2 Million - Part 2
The show Prepared to the hilt, we drove to Vienna the night before the show. The following day we were supposed to be in the studio from 08:00. I didn't sleep a minute. Martin and Berny were i...
The Vitalmonitor at 2 minutes 2 million
The preparation One fine day Martin came into my office and asked, "Hey Klemens, do you know 2 Minutes 2 Million?" I replied, "The start-up store on Puls4?" Martin responded, &...