
Leo Hillinger wirft einen kritischen Blick auf den Vitalmonitor Pro
2 Minuten 2 Millionen

2 Minutes 2 Million - The Official Interview

No investment - how hard is that for you? Quite honestly, there were somewhat mixed feelings. On the one hand, we were naturally disappointed, but on the other hand, we knew that it would be di...

2 Minuten 2 Millionen(c) Gerry Frank

The Vitalmonitor at 2 Minutes 2 Million - Part 2

The show Prepared to the hilt, we drove to Vienna the night before the show. The following day we were supposed to be in the studio from 08:00. I didn't sleep a minute. Martin and Berny were i...

2 Minuten 2 MillionenVitalmonitor bei 2 Minuten 2 Millionen

The Vitalmonitor at 2 minutes 2 million

The preparation One fine day Martin came into my office and asked, "Hey Klemens, do you know 2 Minutes 2 Million?" I replied, "The start-up store on Puls4?" Martin responded, &...