Success Story

How the Vitalmonitor helps me to increase my athletic performance despite my age

Wie mir der Vitalmonitor trotz meines Alters zu Steigerungen verhilft

I am Gerald, 53 years old and have been mountain biking for 10 years. For 6 years I have also been actively participating in marathon races. Looking back, I trained way too hard the last few years and it was slow going. Finally, I reached a point where I could no longer improve my performance. I realized that I needed professional support. So I looked for a coach and with his help I was able to achieve some podium finishes in short marathons in my age group.

There must be more potential...

2020 to early 2021, my competitors were getting stronger and stronger and it was getting harder and harder for me to keep up. In my search for further optimization, I finally came into contact with Bernhard Schimpl. After a performance measurement, we quickly came to the conclusion that the Vitalmonitor should be the key to success.

More effective training

I have been using the Vitalmonitor for 6 months now. The training is generally much easier than my previous training routine, which is why I am able to train much more often and, above all, more effectively. Of course, it's not always easy since it's still a workout in the end, but I no longer run the risk of burning myself out.


In my last races, things were now getting better and better. I was now able to push until the end of the race and even win my first hill climb in my age group.

I thank Bernhard and the Vitalmonitor that I can now finally bring the desired performance and still improve despite my 53 years.

I feel fitter than ever!

Winter training is now upon us and I'm already looking forward to starting the 2022 season perfectly with the support of the Vitalmonitor.

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Matthias fährt mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht auf die Kamera zu.
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